


E-healthmonitor 2022. Stand van zaken digitale zorg

R van der Vaart, LHD van Tuyl, A Versluis, MJM Wouters, L van Deursen, L Standaar, JJ Aardoom, EE Alblas, AWM Suijkerbuijk

The Barriers and Facilitators of eHealth-Based Lifestyle Intervention Programs for People With a Low Socioeconomic Status: Scoping Review

Al-Dhahir I, Reijnders T, Faber JS, van den Berg-Emons RJ, Janssen VR, Kraaijenhagen RA, Visch VT, Chavannes NH, Evers AWM

Optimizing smoking cessation guideline implementation using text-messages and summary-sheets: a mixed-method evaluation.

Meijer, E., Chavannes, N. H., Segaar, D., Parlevliet, J. L., & Van Der Kleij, R. M. J. J. (2019).

Facilitating smoking cessation in patients who smoke: a large-scale cross-sectional comparison of fourteen groups of healthcare providers.

Meijer, E., Van der Kleij, R. M. J. J., & Chavannes, N. H. (2019).

Determinants of providing smoking cessation care in five groups of healthcare professionals: A cross-sectional comparison. Patient education and counseling.

Meijer E, van der Kleij R, Segaar D, Chavannes N.

